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Ocean Exchange Team

Robert Hueter

Chief Scientist at OCEARCH

Dr. Robert (Bob) Hueter is a professional marine scientist with more than four decades of experience specializing in the biology, fisheries, and conservation of sharks.

Dr. Robert (Bob) Hueter is a professional marine scientist with more than four decades of experience specializing in the biology, fisheries, and conservation of sharks. Bob earned his Bachelor’s and Master’s degrees from the University of Miami and his Ph.D. from the University of Florida. He has published more than 200 scientific papers on sharks and has served on numerous panels and advisory boards, and he has testified three times before the U.S Congress in hearings on shark issues. Bob has played a leadership role since the early 1990’s in both the state of Florida and on national and international levels to promote public understanding of sharks and the implementation of shark conservation measures. After a 33-year career at Mote Marine Laboratory in Sarasota, Bob retired from Mote in December 2020, to continue as Chief Scientist for the nonprofit organization OCEARCH. His current research with OCEARCH is focused on revealing the complete life history, population status, and health of the white shark in the North Atlantic Ocean.

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Ocean Exchange invites you to learn more about Awards Program, our ecosystem and success of our award winners and participants. Together, we can chart a powerful course to help ensure the future of our oceans and the Blue Economy.

“Ocean Exchange has a platform to enable people with information that they need to know about the ocean and then to showcase new technologies that are on the forefront of really helping the ocean and the planet.”

“The quality of the content and the people who are involved with Ocean Exchange is all high end.”

“Besides funding, Ocean Exchange provides access to a wide area network of incredibly talented people in organizations that really do just want to help people.”

“Ocean Exchange is really about helping the little guys grow and in so doing, helping the big guys be better ocean citizens.”

“Ocean Exchange seems to be much more focused on bringing to light under-capitalized, wonderful new technology ideas. And it’s all about two-way access to this new technology and to the people who can help with the experience to grow that technology.”

“Ocean Exchange is a force multiplier to enable sustainable innovation.”

“Ocean Exchange is a global, novel innovation forum that has a greater ability to attract a broader range of impactful stakeholders than any other event that’s out there.”

“Unquestionably, one of Ocean Exchange’s primary strengths is how it brings together people from different paths. That makes its event a delegator experience as well as experience for an innovator or awards nominee.”

“Ocean Exchange is entirely different from any of the other organizations that I’m involved in. It is about sustainable innovation. I think it’s also very different in the extremely broad range of stakeholders that it involves.”

“There’s nothing better than going to an event or engaging with people so you walk away and say, ‘Wow!’”